Train: Education Corner
Published quarterly in our Newsletter, each Education Corner offers an account of how members of the community use PDB data and RCSB PDB tools in Training, Outreach, and Education. If you would like to submit an Education Corner column, please send an email to

Issue 104 - January 2025
Celebrating 25 Years of Storytelling and Announcing New Beginnings, Dr. David Goodsell (Scripps Research and Rutgers) and Dr. Janet Iwasa (University of Utah and RCSB PDB)

Issue 100 - January 2024
Bringing Proteins to Life: Exploring Protein Structures with Interactive JSmol Views by Ryan Nini, MS and Xinyi Christine Zhang

Issue 101 - April 2024
Building and Animating Catalase in a High School Classroom by Emerson Newton, John H. Pitman High School

Issue 102 - July 2024
Cell Signaling through Rube Goldberg Machines, Dr. Fatahiya Kashif, Federal Medical College, Islamabad, Pakistan

Issue 103 - October 2024
Paper Nucleic Acid Models for Hands-on Education, Dr. Cassandra K. Hayne and Dr. Phoebe A. Rice, The University of Chicago

Issue 96 - January 2023
Fundamentals of Biochemistry: A free online biochemistry textbook with interactive molecular and mathematical modeling by Henry Jakubowski (Professor Emertius)

Issue 97 - April 2023
Participate in Structural Science Community Events: Bragg Your Pattern (IUCr) and Video Library (ACA)

Issue 98 - July 2023
Empowering Educators with Research-Grade Computational Tools by Dr. Katherine Bay (Schrödinger)

Issue 99 - October 2023
MedChemBlog: An Innovative Distance Learning Experience for Teaching Medicinal Chemistry by Giulia Panzarella, Gianmarco Gualtieri, Isabella Romeo, Stefano Alcaro (Università "Magna Graecia" di Catanzaro)

Issue 93 - April 2022
Python Scripting for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology by Jessica A. Nash (MolSSI) and Paul A. Craig (Rochester Institute of Technology)

Issue 88 - January 2021
2020 ACA Transactions Symposium on Structural Science: New Ways to Teach the Next Generation by Cassandra Eagle (East Tennessee State University), Joe Tanski (Vassar College), Andrey Yakovenko, (Argonne National Laboratory), and Christine Zardecki (RCSB PDB).

Issue 89 - April 2021
Exploring the Structure-Function Relationship with Digital and Physical 3D Models of Proteins by Maria Voigt, RCSB PDB

Issue 91 - October 2021
The SARS-CoV-2 Virion: Magnifying the Miniscule with Models of Digital, Plastic, and Paper by Samuel A. McKie, Chapel Prints Co

Issue 84 - January 2020
Using the Protein Data Bank in the College Classroom by Bonnie Hall, Grand View University

Issue 85 - April 2020
Embedding Biomolecular Modeling in Elementary and Middle School Curriculum by Daniel Fried, Saint Peter’s University

Issue 86 - July 2020
A Secondary School Bioinformatics Workbook for Visualizing DNA, RNA and Proteins by Suzanne Duce, University of Dundee

Issue 87 - October 2020
Using PDB Structures to Visualize Science by medical illustrator Veronica Falconieri Hays (Falconeri Visuals).

Issue 80 - January 2019
Creating Accessible Tools for Molecular Visualization Instruction By Kristen Procko and the BioMolViz Group

Issue 81 - April 2019
Exploring the Molecules of Biological Warfare in Virtual Reality By Steve McCloskey, Nanome Inc.

Issue 82 - July 2019
How Does Life Work? Creating Scientific Explanations in Stained Glass by Joel Kowit

Issue 83 - October 2019
Gaming Structural Biology for General Audiences: Deep Learning, Citizen Science & Puppies: The path towards segmentation of a cryoEM dataset of a virus infected cell by Michele Darrow, Ph.D. and XFEL Crystal Blaster: an educational game by Fiacre Kabayiza and Bill Bauer, Ph.D.

Issue 76 - January 2018
From the PDB to Phoenix: My Journey as an RCSB PDB Intern by Jenna Abyad (Drew University) and Priscilla Marie Salcedo (California State University Northridge)

Issue 77 - April 2018
Creating sculptural models of proteins in a high-school engineering class by Keagan O’Mara (Bio-Med Science Academy STEM School)

Issue 78 - July 2018
From Structural Biology to Science Policy by Leah Cairns (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine)

Issue 79 - October 2018
Structural Biology Pipeline Meets the High School Classroom: Hypothesis-Based Structural Biology and Determination and Refinement of a Crystal Structure by Daniel Williams and SPARK participants

Issue 72 - January 2017
A cyber-linked summer program trains the next generation of computational structural biologists by Rebecca F. Alford & Jeffrey J. Gray, Johns Hopkins University

Issue 73 - April 2017
Learning in Virtual Reality: Revolutionizing Education with Autodesk’s Molecule Viewer by Merry Wang, Autodesk Research

Issue 74 - July 2017
Get Excited, Be Critical by David S. Goodsell, The Scripps Research Institute and Rutgers University

Issue 75 - October 2017
Structural Databases as Teaching Tools by Joel Sussman (Weizmann Institute) and Christine Zardecki (RCSB PDB)

Issue 68 - January 2016
Using 815,527 Crystal Structures to Teach Chemistry: The Cambridge Structural Database by Amy Sarjeant, Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre

Issue 70 - July 2016
Lysozyme, Models and the PDB: Helping Undergraduates Explore Structure by Krystle J. McLaughlin, Ph.D., Lehigh University

Issue 71 - October 2016
Myoglobin Structure and Function: A multi-week biochemistry laboratory project by Todd P. Silverstein, Willamette University, with assistance from Sarah R. Kirk, Scott C. Meyer, and Karen L. McFarlane Holman

Issue 64 - January 2015
Mentoring High School Students for the RCSB PDB HIV Video Challenge by Meenakshi Bhattacharya, Cindy Jaworsky, and Karen Lucci

Issue 65 - April 2015
The Science of HIV - A new online resource about HIV biology by Janet Iwasa, Ph.D.

Issue 67 - October 2015
Learning the ABCs of Proteins by By Chu Wai Liew, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Australia

Issue 61 - April 2014
The Virtual Drug Screening Stream: research and discovery as undergraduates by Josh Beckham, University of Texas at Austin

Issue 63 - October 2014
Molecular Visualization for the Masses: PDB Goes to Disneyland by Bob Hanson, St. Olaf College
- Issue 59 - October 2013
In Touch with Molecules: Improving student learning with innovative molecular models by Jodi Davenport, Matt Silberglitt (WestEd), and Arthur Olson (The Scripps Research Institute) - Issue 58 - July 2013
PDB-101 and the 2013 Meeting of the National Science Teachers Association - Issue 57 - April 2013
The Ins and Outs of the RCSB PDB Help Desk: What do we learn from our users? What do they learn from us? By Rachel Kramer Green, Ph.D. - Issue 56 - January 2013
Molecular Visualization, Online and On-the-Go by Takanori Nakane M.D. (Kyoto University)
- Issue 55 - October 2012
University of Georgia's summer Biotech Boot Camp for high school teachers - Issue 54 - July 2012
Learning Science by Doing Science at the Waksman Student Scholars Program - Issue 53 - April 2012
Project CRYSTAL: Crystallographers Researching with Young Scientists, Teaching and Learning by Hazel M. Holden, Ph.D. and Dan Toomey - Issue 52 - January 2012
Learning to Become a Structural Biologist by The 2011 RCSB PDB Poster Prize awardees
- Issue 51 - October 2011
Insights into Molecular Modeling for the Middle Schooler by Christopher Smith, Center for Theoretical Biological Physics at UCSD - Issue 50 - July 2011
New Report Proposes Historic Renovation of Undergraduate Biology Education in the United States by Brandon Bryn, AAAS - Issue 49 - April 2011
Building Protein Structures and the Molecule of the Month by Richard Tempsick, Academy of Allied Health and Science - Issue 48 - January 2011
Proteopedia: An online, collaborative 3D-encyclopedia of proteins & other molecules by Jaime Prilusky, Ph.D., Weizmann Institute of Science
- Issue 47 - October 2010
Protein Challenge by Joan Kiely - Issue 46 - July 2010
Undergraduate Course: Protein Portraits by Phil McFadden, Ph.D. - Issue 45 - April 2010
A Proficiency Rubric for Biomacromolecular 3D Literacy by Robert C. Bateman, Jr. and Paul A. Craig - Issue 44 - January 2010
A Search for Best Methods to Illustrate Complex Information by IJsbrand M. Kramer, Ph.D.
- Issue 43 - October 2009
Symposium on the Applications of Small-molecule Crystal Structure Information in Chemical Education by Gary M. Battle, Ph.D - Issue 42 - July 2009
RCSB PDB Community Outreach - Issue 41 - April 2009
Molecular Models: Tangible Representations of the Abstract by Dr. Gavin Whittaker, Miramodus Ltd - Issue 40 - January 2009
Brookhaven National Laboratory's Science Learning Center by Bernadette Uzzi
- Issue 39 - October 2008
Molecular Visualization in your Pocket by Brad Larson, Ph.D., Sunset Lake Software - Issue 38 - July 2008
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education (BAMBED), a Journal for University, College, and High School Educators by Dr. Judith Voet (Swarthmore) and Dr. Donald Voet (University of Pennsylvania) - Issue 37 - April 2008
Moving Pictures: Using Chimera to Make Molecular Multimedia for the Classroom by Dr. Jeramia Ory, Kings College - Issue 36 - January 2008
Fruit-flavored Folding by Teresa MacDonald, Director of Education at The University of Kansas Natural History Museum
- Issue 35 - October 2007
Navigating the molecular universe in 3D: Teaching biology students protein structure-function relationships using StarBiochem by Dr. Melissa Kosinski-Collins (Brandeis University) - Issue 34 - July 2007
Structures and Other NIGMS Booklets Make Science Accessible by Alisa Zapp Machalek, science writer at the National Institute General Medical Sciences at NIH - Issue 33 - April 2007
The 2007 New Jersey Science Olympiad - Issue 32 - January 2007
The X-Ray Methods in Structural Biology Course at CSHL by Gary L. Gilliland
- Issue 31 - October 2006
Ways of seeing and thinking about PDB structures by Robert J. Warburton - Issue 30 - July 2006
Participation in the NJ Science Olympiad by Cheryl Campbell of New Providence High School, NJ - Issue 29 - April 2006
The RCSB PDB guides middle school students in making handheld models of the common cold - Issue 28 - January 2006
Margaret A. Franzen, Pellissippi State Technical Community College
- Issue 27 - October 2005
Miriam Rossi, Vassar College. In this interview, Rossi discusses a interdisiplinary course that familiarizes students with basic concepts of molecular structure, from an introduction to X-ray crystallographic methods through interpreting published structural papers - Issue 26 - July 2005
Wisconsin High School Science Olympiad PROTEIN MODELING Event by Gary Graper, Event Supervisor - Issue 25 - April 2005
A short history of visualizing structures in the PDB by Judith Voet, J. H. Hammons Professor , Swarthmore College - Issue 24 - January 2005
Early Protein Structures
- Issue 23 - October 2004
X-rays, Molecules, and You. During this workshop held at an ACA meeting, prominent crystallographers and structural biologists introduced high school students and teachers to basic concepts in X-ray crystallography and structural databases to promote interest in structural biology, chemistry, and general science - Issue 22 - July 2004
How the PDB, RasMol, and the Molecule of the Month are used in a high school classroom by Tommie Hata, Biology Teacher at The Pingry School in Martinsville, NJ - Issue 20 - January 2004
The resources for protein resources, macromolecular structure/function analysis, and structural biology at CSUF by Katherine Kantardjieff, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at California State University Fullerton
- Issue 19 - October 2003
The use of the PDB and related resources in classes at RIT by Paul A. Craig, Associate Professor of Chemistry at the Rochester Institute of Technology - Issue 18 - July 2003
The CBM creates physical models of proteins and other molecular structures for researchers, students, and teachers, by Tim Herman, Director of the Center for BioMolecular Modeling at the Milwaukee School of Engineering - Issue 17 - April 2003
Molecular Visualization by Gale Rhodes, Ph.D., University of Southern Maine