Congratulations to David S. Goodsell
On Sunday July 10, David S. Goodsell will present his Plenary Award Lecture on Art as a Tool for Structural Biology at The Protein Society's annual meeting. Goodsell is the recipient of the Carl Brändén Award.
In the tradition of Carl Brändén, pioneer in structural biology, co-author of the seminal text Introduction to Protein Structure, and leader of the world-class synchrotron facility at Grenoble, the Carl Brändén Award, sponsored by Rigaku Corporation, honors an outstanding protein scientist who has also made exceptional contributions in the areas of education and/or service.
RCSB PDB Director Emerita Helen M. Berman was the 2012 recipient of the Carl Brändén Award.
Past news and events have been reported at the RCSB PDB website and past Newsletters.