Register for the April 10 Virtual Office Hour on Sequence Annotations Viewer
The Sequence Annotations Viewer provides graphical summaries of PDB protein biological and structural features and their relationships with UniProtKB entries.
Structural features such as secondary structure, angle/distance outliers, protein-ligand binding sites or disulfide bridges, are extracted from the PDB structural data. Additionally, structural domains are annotated from CATH and SCOPe databases. Biochemical and biomedical features are collected from the UniProtKB database and mapped onto PDB sequences.
Bring your questions about how to use this tool to this virtual office hour with RCSB PDB's Joan Segura on
Thursday, April 7, 2025
noon-1:00pm Eastern | 9:00am - 10am Pacific.
Please register for this free event. An institutional email address for registration is preferred.
You will receive confirmation and a Zoom link by email before the event.
Past news and events have been reported at the RCSB PDB website and past Newsletters.