AAA+ Proteases
AAA+ proteases are ATP-powered molecular motors that thread protein chains through a hole
Aconitase and Iron Regulatory Protein 1
Aconitase performs a reaction in the citric acid cycle, and moonlights as a regulatory protein
Adenine Riboswitch in Action
XFEL serial crystallography reveals what happens when adenine binds to a riboswitch
Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases ensure that the proper amino acids are used to build proteins
Cascade and CRISPR
Cascade and CRISPR help bacteria remember how to fight viral infection
Catabolite Activator Protein
CAP senses the level of sugar and mobilizes the proteins needed to utilize it
Chaperones help new proteins fold into their proper shape
Atomic structures reveal how the iconic double helix encodes genomic information
DNA Helicase
DNA helicase pries apart the two strands in a DNA double helix, powered by ATP
DNA Ligase
DNA ligase reconnects broken DNA strands, and is used to engineer recombinant DNA
DNA Methyltransferases
Cells add methyl groups to their DNA to encode additional epigenetic information
DNA Polymerase
DNA polymerase makes an accurate copy of the cell's genome
Elongation Factors
Protein synthesis requires the assistance of several elongation factors that guide each step
Enhanceosomes help decide the appropriate time to transcribe a gene
Estrogen Receptor
Estrogen binds to receptors in the nucleus and affects key genes in development
Exosomes destroy messenger RNA molecules after they have finished their jobs
In bacteria, ribosomes start building proteins as messenger RNA is being transcribed
Hemoglobin uses a change in shape to increase the efficiency of oxygen transport
HIV Reverse Transcriptase
HIV builds a DNA copy of its RNA genome, providing a unique target for drug therapy
Heat shock proteins ensure that proteins remain folded and active under harsh conditions
Initiation Factor eIF4E
Initiation factors for protein synthesis interact through disordered chains.
Inteins splice themselves out of larger protein chains
lac Repressor
A genetic circuit controls the production of lactose-utilizing enzymes in bacteria
Lysozyme attacks the cell walls of bacteria
Mediator integrates regulatory information to decide when genes need to be transcribed.
Messenger RNA Capping
Messenger RNA molecules are capped with an inverted nucleotide
The cell's genome is stored and protected by nucleosomes
O-GlcNAc Transferase
Some protein functions are regulated when sugars are attached
Oct and Sox Transcription Factors
Transcription factors decide when particular genes will be transcribed
Oligosaccharyltransferase adds a protective coat of carbohydrates to proteins.
p53 Tumor Suppressor
p53 tumor suppressor protects the body from DNA damage and cancer
Poly(A) Polymerase
Poly(A) polymerase adds a long tail of adenine nucleotides at the end of messenger RNA
Proteasomes destroy damaged or obsolete proteins inside cells
RecA and Rad51
Broken DNA strands may be repaired by matching sequences in a duplicate copy of the DNA
Restriction Enzymes
Bacterial enzymes that cut DNA are useful tools for genetic engineering
Rhomboid Protease GlpG
Some proteases cut proteins embedded in cell membranes
Ribonuclease P
The ribozyme ribonuclease P cleaves pre-tRNA to form functional tRNA.
Ribosomal Subunits
Atomic structures of the ribosomal subunits reveal a central role for RNA in protein synthesis
Ribosomes are complex molecular machines that build proteins
Ribosome Diversity
By comparing the structures of ribosomes from different organisms, we can explore the evolution of life.
Special sequences of messenger RNA can bind to regulatory molecules and affect synthesis of proteins
RNA Polymerase
RNA polymerase transcribes genetic information from DNA into RNA
Selenocysteine Synthase
Selenium is used in place of sulfur to build proteins for special tasks
Self-splicing RNA
Special sequences of RNA are able to splice themselves
Sirtuin activation is being explored as a way to slow aging.
Sliding Clamps
Sliding clamps slide along DNA strands and keep DNA polymerase on track during replication
Small Interfering RNA (siRNA)
Our cells continually look for pieces of double-stranded RNA, a possible sign of viral infection
TATA-Binding Protein
TATA protein tells RNA polymerase where to get started on a gene
Thymine Dimers
Ultraviolet light damages our DNA, but our cells have ways to correct the damage
Topoisomerases untangle and reduce the tension of DNA strands in the cell
Transfer RNA
Transfer RNA translates the language of the genome into the language of proteins
Transfer-Messenger RNA
tmRNA rescues ribosomes that are stalled by damaged messenger RNA
Transposases shift genes around in the genome
Ubiquitin is used to tag obsolete proteins for destruction
Zinc Fingers
Zinc ions are used to strengthen small protein modules that recognize DNA